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Olive Branch Baptist Church


    Olive Branch Baptist Church was founded by the late Rev. A. Peterson in 1863. The church was then pastured by the late Reverends Beuford Ellison, Steptow, Spencer, Robinson and Stafford Veal. The church ordained the late and former Pastor, Rev. Benjamin J. Julian, who served for 44 years.  During his pastorage, he ordained the late Rev. Flemming Paynes and the late Rev. James Patterson.

     On November 19,1937, Rev. Julian ordained Rev. Samuel J. Ellison, Sr. who served as assistant pastor.  On December 25, 1942, Rev. Julian was called from labor to reward.  In 1943, the church elected Rev. Samuel J. Ellison, Sr. as pastor. Under Rev. Ellison's leadership, the Corner Stone was laid in 1952. In 1954, Rev. Ellison ordained the late Rev. John Fisher.

     The vision of a better edifice entered the hearts of the pastor, officers and members; and in 1957 the old church was demolished and in the month of August the same year, the foundation for the new church was laid. We were made welcome at the St. Mark B. C., then pastored by Rev. W.M. Brew, where we held services while our new church was under construction. Through adverse circumstances, upheavals, and contractor mishaps, we were forced to prolong our stay at St. Mark B.C., but with the help of God, members, non-members and friends, we achieved a great victory for the Master's cause. On December 13, 1959, we returned and we offered up the Temple at 3222 DeArmas Street back to God.

     On August 3, 1993, Rev. Ellison was called from labor to reward, after having served over 50 years preaching the Word of God. Having been led by one pastor for half a century, the Olive Branch Church family surrendered to prayer and supplication as we followed God's lead for a new shepherd for the church's flock. Deacon Melvin Hughes, Chairman of the deacon board led the church in its search for a new pastor under the auspices of the Westside Missionary Baptist Association.

     On June 30, 1994, having been guided by the Holy Spirit, the church elected Rev. Reginald Nicholas, Sr. as pastor. Pastor Nicholas was installed by the Westside Missionary Baptist Association on July 15, 1994. With a servant's heart, a love for God and His people, Pastor Nicholas immediately became a bright beacon of God's preaching and teaching to the people of not just Olive Branch, but the entire McClendonville community. Membership grew and the church's presence in the community intensified. Community outreach became a part of the church's mission. From organizing the first MLK community march and rally to working with local and state officials to raise awareness of the community's needs and concerns, Olive Branch took the lead and continues to play an active part.

     In 1998, Olive Branch became a founding member of the Cornerstone Missionary Baptist General Association (C.M.B.G.A.), where Rev. Dr. Moses S. Gordon, II presided at president. Many members of the church held leadership positions and the church was a strong supporter and participant in the association's activities.

     Soon after, the Lord placed it upon Pastor Nicholas' heart to build Him a new edifice. Pastor Nicholas brought it before the congregation, and without hesitation began a building fund. He knew that when God gives you a vision, you must obey. The Church purchased several pieces of land in the surrounding area of McClendonville between DeArmas Street and Odeon Avenue. In June 1999, the groundbreaking ceremony for the building of God's new edifice was held.

    On September 10, 2000 we held our dedicatory service at the new edifice, 1134 Odeon Avenue, under the auspices of the Cornerstone Missionary Baptist General Association and under the leadership of Rev. Moses S. Gordon II. Our new edifice was built on a solid foundation, which as we Christians call a rock, that rock is Jesus. The church's motto from 1 Corinthians 3:9, "The Church Where the Christians are Labourers Together With God," is a true testimony of the desire of the leadership and membership of Olive Branch Baptist Church to follow God and be servants of His will and His way.

     In August of 2005, Olive Branch along with the entire city of New Orleans and much of the gulf coast, experienced a major catastrophe. Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast.  A four state radius (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida) felt the effects of this category five hurricane with winds up to 145 miles per hour which literally destroyed and scattered our members across the nation. 

     Olive Branch, the building, suffered major damages, but the Church continued. As Pastor Nicholas searched for his sheep (via phone, email, or any means possible) to confirm their safety, we held services in the old church, which did not suffer much damage. On Resurrection Morning April 16, 2006, we marched back into our edifice.

     From Vision to Victory 2000 -2008, Olive Branch Baptist Church celebrated 145 years of existence and held our Note Shredding Service, on October 19, 2008 followed by the Church Anniversary & Note Shredding Banquet at the Four Columns Hall.

     In April of 2009, our pastor was elected as the second president of the Cornerstone M.B.G.A. and installed on May 23, 2010 in our edifice on Odeon Street. During Pastor Nicholas' leadership, Olive Branch has achieved numerous amounts of accomplishments.

     On September 3, 2009, Pastor Nicholas went before the New Orleans City Council to request that Odeon Avenue be changed to Branch Joseph Avenue, which was approved.

     In July 2014 the Lord blessed us to pay our 30 passenger church bus in full.

     In July 2017, the Lord blessed us to purchase a piece of property next door to our edifice.

     In 2020, we were unable to continue in-person services for a year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The church then proceeded to have live stream services and Bible Study via Facebook and other social media platforms. As we continue to follow God's Will and our Pastor's vision, our church continues to grow and be a beacon in our community as well as throughout the city of New Orleans.


The mission of Olive Branch Baptist Church is to maintain a faithful relationship with God according to his word. We are committed to love the Lord with all our heart (Duet 6:5), to put no other God before Him (Ex. 20:3), to worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24), to love thy neighbor as thyself (Luke 10:27), and to pay our tithes & bring Him an offering (Mal 3:8, 2 Cor 9:6).


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    "The Church Where the Christians are Labourers together with God. (1Cor.3:9)"
    1134 Branch~Joseph Odeon Avenue* Algiers LA 70114
    Rev. Dr. Reginald Nicholas, Sr., Pastor/Teacher

    Church: (504) 367-4681  Pastor Study: (504) 367-4978